The Photographers Guild, Inc. is made up of photo enthusiasts from all walks of life and varying levels of skill. The only real prerequisite for membership is an interest in photography, along with a desire to learn and share. Members must be 18 years of age or older.
Membership Enrollment Form
Membership Dues and Facility Use Policies (updated 5-1-2015)
Member Gallery Exhibit Privilege Policy
Benefits of Membership status include:
- A key to the Guild for unlimited access to Guild facilities
- Participation in workshops at the Membership fee level (but not classes)
- Participation in the annual photo excursion
- Publicity of your personal web page on the Guild website
- Participation in the monthly Guild meetings
- Storage space for matting, framing, and other photography related materials
- Privilege of holding a personal Gallery Exhibit in the Guild building
- Use of the Guild studio space and equipment
- A portrait studio with lighting.
- A computer with current versions of Photoshop and Lightroom, and Photoshop Elements.
- A state-of-the-art photograph printer that uses archival ink and paper.
- A complete matting and framing room.
- Wholesale pricing on matboards, frames, etc.
- Complete darkroom set-up.
- A key to the Guild for unlimited access to Guild facilities
Membership Dues
First year dues of a new membership will be $150 ( must be paid at enrollment time); all ensuing years will be $300, which can be payable annually, semi-annually, or monthly. Dues must be kept current.
Family memberships
Immediate family members of a single household may join at half the cost of the first joining member.
All Guild members are responsible for the general up-keep of the Guild facility. This includes occasional sweeping, dusting, reorganizing, etc. All members are also encouraged to participate on at least one committee. This goes with the old saying, “many hands make light work”.
To join we ask that you complete a membership enrollment form and email it to us at or mail to: The Photographers Guild, 212 W. Washington St., Suite 14, Goshen, IN 46526, for consideration. Not sure yet if you want to join? You are welcome to join us for three meetings, free of charge, before you decide.
The guidelines and policies stated above are general in nature; any formally adopted policies by the Guild members take precedent, even though they may not be listed on this website.