“Snow Shoot Workshop”
Instructor: Danny Graber
What: Join us for a three-hour, outdoor workshop on how to correctly and creatively photograph a snow landscape. We will work with getting a correct exposure for optimum effect.
Bring a camera and tripod. Dress warmly. Once everyone has gathered we will carpool to our destination somewhere nearby. At some point, either on late Monday, or on an agreed upon date, we will gather again to review our photos.
When: Monday, January 30th, 1:00pm.
Where: Meet at the Guild parking lot. (For those who cannot attend because of work, I will try to do another on a weekend when we have snow.)
Instructor: Danny Graber
Cost: Guild Members free; non-members $15 and must enroll by filling out form, emailing me at dannysg@frontier.com or calling me at (574) 370-6192.
– Danny Graber
Questions: Call or text 574-370-6192 if you have questions. – Danny